Of all the holidays, I have to say that Christmas is my favorite. I love the warm fuzzy feeling of the lights on the tree, the time spent with family, and of course all the yummy food the holiday brings.
As a kid I loved to help my Mom decorate our house, and that hasn't changed til this day. I saw a neat idea for decorating with candlesticks in a Better Homes & Gardens magazine not too long ago, and liked it so much I set out on an adventure to make my own version.
First, I took a trip to the Goodwill store to find candlesticks the sizes that I wanted. I was looking for varying heights and similar shapes. With 15 minutes left before the store closed, I managed to pick out three perfect candlesticks for my project for only six bucks!

Two of these babies are brass, and the other is some sort of resin material. Color didn't matter to me since they are getting a coat of spray paint in a nice soft white color. First, I had to prime them so the paint would cover nicely. I used a white primer since I picked a nice soft white for my candlestick color. Always chose a primer close to the color you are painting the object. It will save you additional work in the end.

I used two coats of primer, and two coats of Krylon Dover White in gloss for the finishing color. After letting the paint dry an hour after each coat the candlesticks were ready for decoration. Did I mention that I love Krylon? That paint sticks to anything!

I added three ornaments from our ornament stash to the top of each candlestick and a ribbon on the tallest one for that added touch, along with a poinsettia flower I had on hand. I set them up on a small table in the living room and was very pleased with how they turned out. What are you decorating with this Christmas? Drop us a note, we'd love to hear from you!

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