Sunday, September 16, 2012

From Window Panes to Wall Art

Hubby and I took on a rather fun project today that made a huge difference in our hallway and perked our living room up a bit, as well.  

Hubby was perusing Craigslist (as always) and ran across an add for free snap-together window panes.  Now, we do not need faux snap-together window panes, but we are always up for project materials, so off to Nashville we went to pick up the goodies.


(Actual photo from the Craigslist ad)

Normally, I am the crafty one in the house, but today, Hubby really showed me up!  He used the window panes and came up with some fantastic wall art to really dress up our boring hallway.

We had done nothing to the hallway since moving in a year ago, except toss down a couple of throw rugs. This is a photo of our über-boring hallway, before we moved in:


A few hours later, a bit of paint on a few of the pieces, and we have some unique art work that really fits our style.  The paintings were picked up on clearance at Old Time Pottery several years ago and had been hanging in other parts of the house until this weekend. 

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The moral of the story is if you see a box of materials, think OUTSIDE the box!  There is no rule that says they can only exist as one specific thing in their lifetime! ;)


Until next time! 


1 comment:

  1. Looks good! That's one crafty man you got there. I love the idea of using things for a purpose other than what they were created for.
